
Release 0.1.6

Version 1 Development

February 13, 2019

Alpha 0.1.6 Update Notes

Hey there everybody, I am particularly enthusiastic for this Alpha version, 0.1.6, because it represents the completion of the work I had scope to accomplish before inviting Beta phase testers to join active testing! Version 0.1.6 focuses largely on solidifying some core systems, closing some open bugs, improving stability where possible, and adding some additional features to the auto-updating process.

This build will be the version shared with Beta phase testers later this week. I wanted to go ahead and release it early for the Alpha population to collect some preliminary feedback and resolve any uncaught bugs before sharing with the Beta community. For more details on the beta testing process please read

Thank you all for your continued help, enthusiasm, feedback, and support. Please keep an eye on the development progress board here for visibility into what features are in progress and coming up next!

Download Instructions

This represents the first FVTT build which can be updated using the auto-updater functionality. To use the updater, visit the Settings tab of the sidebar (the question-mark icon) and click on "Check for Update". The update key used to unlock the upload version will be shared with Alpha tier testers in a separate post. If you are a Patreon supporter at the $10 or greater level, please review the download instructions here:

New Features

Bug Fixes

Core Software, APIs, and Module Development

D&D5e Game System Improvements