
Version 13 Patreon Feature Vote

V13 Feature Vote
Our Patreon Community Votes on a Major Feature for Version 13

Now that Foundry Virtual Tabletop Version 12 has achieved a stable release, we will begin turning our focus towards planning and prioritization for Version 13. Most of our effort over the coming month will be invested towards ongoing maintenance and further refinement of V12, but in the background we will be planning ahead for what we are going to develop for Version 13.

As with each major version of Foundry Virtual Tabletop, we allow the for our Patreon Community to vote on one of the major features we will prioritize in this upcoming version. We hope you will all review this article with interest to get a sense of what some of our focus areas for V13 development will be.

Infrastructure Investments

As part of the V13 development cycle we anticipate prioritizing the following key infrastructure investments.

PixiJS Version 8 and WebGPU Support

During the development period of V12 the PixiJS team released PixiJS version 8 - a long awaited and major overhaul and improvement of the PixiJS library. This update of PixiJS is a more significant paradigm shift than some of their previous major releases and therefore will require more effort on our side to refactor and update our usage. This is a complex undertaking, so we are budgeting a substantial part of the V13 development cycle towards this work. The more exciting benefits that PixiJS V8 adoption will bring include:

ApplicationV2 and ThemeV2 Adoption

During Foundry VTT versions 11 and 12 we added core framework for "Theme V2" (added in V11 to the Setup menu) and "Application V2" (added in V12). We intend to follow-through on these new additions by embarking on a refactor of our existing Application classes to upgrade to ApplicationV2 and to adopt new stylistic framework of Theme V2 along the way.

Users in Version 13 will be able to choose which theme they want to use including options that look similar to the previous "Theme V1" as well as other new options like a more stylized fantasy or dark-mode theme. During Version 13 we will migrate most, if not all, of our Applications to this new framework.

Feature Prioritization Poll

In addition to these key infrastructure investments, we will prioritize one feature from the following list as selected by our Patreon supporter community. Below, you'll find a description of all the items on the V13 Prioritization Poll. Given the scope of infrastructural improvements with PIXI v8 and ApplicationV2 + ThemeV2 we have populated the poll with a selection of options that will be less disruptive to community-developed packages while adding exciting new functionality to Foundry Virtual Tabletop.

These options are listed alphabetically. For each feature, we differentiate between aspects of the feature that we will definitely do if it is chosen and aspects of the feature that we might implement depending on their discovered complexity and time constraints that we face. We hope you'll be interested and excited by these options, and we look forward to learning which option the community chooses!

1. Canvas Cards

The existing Cards system allows you to create and manage decks, hands, and piles of cards which can be played, dealt, passed, or exchanged using a somewhat basic interface. A common request we see for further improvement of the Cards system is the ability to visually display and interactively play cards on the game canvas. Canvas Cards (or "Cards V2" if you will) would enhance our approach to Cards, providing a more refined visual experience.

This feature will:

This feature might:

2. Combat Turn Markers

This feature would implement a framework to visually denote which Token is the current Combatant in an active Combat encounter in a way that provides clear information and visual flair. There are several great modules out there which perform a role similar to this, but we feel like it could be a worthy feature to add to the core software to provide a seamlessly integrated and consistent approach.

This feature will:

This feature might:

3. Document Tags

You can never have enough tools in the toolbox when it comes to keeping your games organized. Document Tags would allow users to assign special tags to any existing Document (such as Journal Entries, Actors, Items, etc.) solely for the purposes of improving organization and search-ability.

This feature will:

This feature might:

4. Manual Fog of War

This is one of the most commonly requested features from fans of a more "classic" VTT experience. We would add tools for Gamemasters that provide a hands-on experience for managing fog of war reveal for players by marking areas of the map as revealed or obscured.

This feature will:

This feature might:

5. Player Client

We often hear our users express a desire for a stand-alone client to connect to Foundry VTT games. While the existing Foundry VTT server software is not designed for that purpose, we can absolutely understand why users might wish to use a client that would be free of any extensions or configuration options that their main web browser might have.

This feature will:

This feature might:

6. Special Effects Regions

Our ambient light sources offer a lot of animated effects that can really bring a scene to life. Many users have expressed that they would love a way to animate their scenes without having to also pierce the fog of war with a light source, and this feature would address that exact desire. Special Effects Regions would build on the existing Scene Regions framework to allow GMs and content creators even more ways to make their scenes shine.

This feature will:

This feature might:

7. Token Drag Measurement

The Ruler in Foundry VTT today works by prompting you to measure first and then move along that measured path. This workflow has its advantages, but an alternative workflow that many users enjoy is one where distance is automatically measured as you drag your token. This feature would add an alternative measurement mode which works in this way. Both the current and this new measurement mode would be usable side-by-side according to your individual preference or method of interaction.

This feature will:

This feature might:

8. Token Effects Animation

Users love animated effects in their games. Whether it's a token that's on fire, or protected by shimmering magical shield, these effects can really bring a game to life. While we've been slipping a few animated effects into certain token-related actions (such as changing scale, or its token image), this would let us focus on a providing a small library of animated token effects to let GMs and their players add a little extra immersion to their games. It would be our hope that these animations could then be extended by our community developers to provide even more options for users.

This feature will:

This feature might: