

A class responsible for managing defined game settings or settings menus. Each setting is a string key/value pair belonging to a certain package and a certain store scope.

When Foundry Virtual Tabletop is initialized, a singleton instance of this class is constructed within the global Game object as as game.settings.


new ClientSettings()



Registered settings menus which trigger secondary applications

  • Map

settings :Map

A object of registered game settings for this scope

  • Map


Return a singleton instance of the Game Settings Configuration app


The storage interfaces used for persisting settings Each storage interface shares the same API as window.localStorage


get(module, key)

Get the value of a game setting for a certain module and setting key

// Retrieve the current setting value
game.settings.get("myModule", "myClientSetting");
Name Type Description
module string

The module namespace under which the setting is registered

key string

The setting key to retrieve

register(module, key, data)

Register a new game setting under this setting scope

// Register a client setting
game.settings.register("myModule", "myClientSetting", {
  name: "Register a Module Setting with Choices",
  hint: "A description of the registered setting and its behavior.",
  scope: "client",     // This specifies a client-stored setting
  config: true,        // This specifies that the setting appears in the configuration view
  type: String,
  choices: {           // If choices are defined, the resulting setting will be a select menu
    "a": "Option A",
    "b": "Option B"
  default: "a",        // The default value for the setting
  onChange: value => { // A callback function which triggers when the setting is changed
// Register a world setting
game.settings.register("myModule", "myWorldSetting", {
  name: "Register a Module Setting with a Range slider",
  hint: "A description of the registered setting and its behavior.",
  scope: "world",      // This specifies a world-level setting
  config: true,        // This specifies that the setting appears in the configuration view
  type: Number,
  range: {             // If range is specified, the resulting setting will be a range slider
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    step: 10
  default: 50,         // The default value for the setting
  onChange: value => { // A callback function which triggers when the setting is changed
Name Type Description
module string

The namespace under which the setting is registered

key string

The key name for the setting under the namespace module

data Object

Configuration for setting data

registerMenu(module, key, data)

Register a new sub-settings menu

// Define a settings submenu which handles advanced configuration needs
game.settings.registerMenu("myModule", "mySettingsMenu", {
  name: "My Settings Submenu",
  label: "Settings Menu Label",      // The text label used in the button
  hint: "A description of what will occur in the submenu dialog.",
  icon: "fas fa-bars",               // A Font Awesome icon used in the submenu button
  type: MySubmenuApplicationClass,   // A FormApplication subclass which should be created
  restricted: true                   // Restrict this submenu to gamemaster only?
Name Type Description
module string

The namespace under which the menu is registered

key string

The key name for the setting under the namespace module

data Object

Configuration for setting data

(async) set(module, key, value)

Set the value of a game setting for a certain module and setting key

// Update the current value of a setting
game.settings.set("myModule", "myClientSetting", "b");
Name Type Description
module string

The module namespace under which the setting is registered

key string

The setting key to retrieve

value any

The data to assign to the setting key