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  • All

A data model definition which describes the application configuration options. These options are persisted in the user data Config folder in the options.json file. The server-side software extends this class and provides additional validations and




{string|null} adminPassword The server administrator password (obscured)


{string|null} awsConfig The relative path (to Config) of an AWS configuration file


{boolean} compressStatic Whether to compress static files? True by default


{string} dataPath The absolute path of the user data directory (obscured)


{boolean} fullscreen Whether the application should automatically start in fullscreen mode?


{string|null} hostname A custom hostname applied to internet invitation addresses and URLs


{string} language The default language for the application


{string|null} localHostname A custom hostname applied to local invitation addresses


{string|null} passwordSalt A custom salt used for hashing user passwords (obscured)


{number} port The port on which the server is listening


{number} [protocol] The Internet Protocol version to use, either 4 or 6.


{number} proxyPort An external-facing proxied port used for invitation addresses and URLs


{boolean} proxySSL Is the application running in SSL mode at a reverse-proxy level?


{string|null} routePrefix A URL path part which prefixes normal application routing


{string|null} sslCert The relative path (to Config) of a used SSL certificate


{string|null} sslKey The relative path (to Config) of a used SSL key


{string} updateChannel The current application update channel


{boolean} upnp Is UPNP activated?


{number} upnpLeaseDuration The duration in seconds of a UPNP lease, if UPNP is active


{string} world A default world name which starts automatically on launch





_source: any

The source data object for this DataModel instance. Once constructed, the source object is sealed such that no keys may be added nor removed.

parent: DataModel

An immutable reverse-reference to a parent DataModel to which this model belongs.


  • Define the data schema for this document instance.

    Returns SchemaField

  • get invalid(): boolean
  • Is the current state of this DataModel invalid?

    Returns boolean

  • Define the data schema for documents of this type.

    Returns SchemaField


  • reset(): void
  • Reset the state of this data instance back to mirror the contained source data, erasing any changes.

    Returns void

  • clone(data?: any, context?: any): Document | Promise<Document>
  • Clone a model, creating a new data model by combining current data with provided overrides.


    • data: any = {}
    • context: any = {}

    Returns Document | Promise<Document>

    The cloned Document instance

  • validate(options?: { changes: any; clean: boolean; fallback: boolean; strict: boolean; fields: boolean; joint: boolean }): boolean
  • Validate the data contained in the document to check for type and content This function throws an error if data within the document is not valid


    • options: { changes: any; clean: boolean; fallback: boolean; strict: boolean; fields: boolean; joint: boolean } = {}

      Optional parameters which customize how validation occurs.

      • changes: any
      • clean: boolean
      • fallback: boolean
      • strict: boolean
      • fields: boolean
      • joint: boolean

    Returns boolean

    An indicator for whether the document contains valid data

  • updateSource(changes?: any, options?: any): any
  • Update the DataModel locally by applying an object of changes to its source data. The provided changes are cleaned, validated, and stored to the source data object for this model. The source data is then re-initialized to apply those changes to the prepared data. The method returns an object of differential changes which modified the original data.


    • changes: any = {}

      New values which should be applied to the data model

    • options: any = {}

    Returns any

    An object containing the changed keys and values

  • toObject(source?: boolean): any
  • Copy and transform the DataModel into a plain object. Draw the values of the extracted object from the data source (by default) otherwise from its transformed values.


    • source: boolean = true

    Returns any

    The extracted primitive object

  • toJSON(): any
  • Extract the source data for the DataModel into a simple object format that can be serialized.

    Returns any

    The document source data expressed as a plain object

  • _configure(options?: {}): void
  • Configure the data model instance before validation and initialization workflows are performed.


    • options: {} = {}

      Returns void

    • _initializeSource(data: any, options?: any): any
    • Initialize the source data for a new DataModel instance. One-time migrations and initial cleaning operations are applied to the source data.


      • data: any

        The candidate source data from which the model will be constructed

      • options: any = {}

      Returns any

      Migrated and cleaned source data which will be stored to the model instance

    • _initialize(options?: any): void
    • Initialize the instance by copying data from the source object to instance attributes. This mirrors the workflow of SchemaField#initialize but with some added functionality.


      • options: any = {}

      Returns void

    • _validateModel(data: any): void
    • Jointly validate the overall data model after each field has been individually validated.


      An error if a validation failure is detected


      • data: any

        The candidate data object to validate

      Returns void

    • migrateData(data: any): any
    • cleanData(source?: any, options?: any): any
    • Clean a data source object to conform to a specific provided schema.


      • source: any = {}
      • options: any = {}

      Returns any

      The cleaned source data

    • formatValidationErrors(errors: any, [options={}]?: { label: string; namespace: string }): string
    • Get an array of validation errors from the provided error structure


      • errors: any
      • [options={}]: { label: string; namespace: string } = {}
        • label: string
        • namespace: string

      Returns string

    • fromSource(source: any, [context]?: { strict: boolean }): DataModel
    • Create a new instance of this DataModel from a source record. The source is presumed to be trustworthy and is not strictly validated.


      • source: any

        Initial document data which comes from a trusted source.

      • [context]: { strict: boolean } = {}

        Model construction context

        • strict: boolean

      Returns DataModel

    • Create a DataModel instance using a provided serialized JSON string.


      • json: string

        Serialized document data in string format

      Returns DataModel

      A constructed data model instance

    • migrateDataSafe(source: any): any
    • Wrap data migration in a try/catch which attempts it safely


      • source: any

        The candidate source data from which the model will be constructed

      Returns any

      Migrated source data, if necessary

    • shimData(data: any, [options={}]?: { embedded: boolean }): any
    • Take data which conforms to the current data schema and add backwards-compatible accessors to it in order to support older code which uses this data.


      • data: any

        Data which matches the current schema

      • [options={}]: { embedded: boolean } = {}

        Additional shimming options

        • embedded: boolean

      Returns any

      Data with added backwards-compatible properties

    • _validatePort(port: number): void
    • Validate a port assignment.


      An error if the requested port is invalid


      • port: number

        The requested port

      Returns void