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Utility functions providing helpful functionality.



  • orient2dFast(a: Point, b: Point, c: Point): number
  • Determine the relative orientation of three points in two-dimensional space. The result is also an approximation of twice the signed area of the triangle defined by the three points. This method is fast - but not robust against issues of floating point precision. Best used with integer coordinates. Adapted from https://github.com/mourner/robust-predicates




    • a: Point

      An endpoint of segment AB, relative to which point C is tested

    • b: Point

      An endpoint of segment AB, relative to which point C is tested

    • c: Point

      A point that is tested relative to segment AB

    Returns number

    The relative orientation of points A, B, and C A positive value if the points are in counter-clockwise order (C lies to the left of AB) A negative value if the points are in clockwise order (C lies to the right of AB) Zero if the points A, B, and C are collinear.

  • lineSegmentIntersects(a: Point, b: Point, c: Point, d: Point): boolean
  • Quickly test whether the line segment AB intersects with the line segment CD. This method does not determine the point of intersection, for that use lineLineIntersection




    • a: Point

      The first endpoint of segment AB

    • b: Point

      The second endpoint of segment AB

    • c: Point

      The first endpoint of segment CD

    • d: Point

      The second endpoint of segment CD

    Returns boolean

    Do the line segments intersect?

  • lineLineIntersection(a: Point, b: Point, c: Point, d: Point, [options]?: { t1: boolean }): LineIntersection
  • An internal helper method for computing the intersection between two infinite-length lines. Adapted from http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/




    • a: Point

      The first endpoint of segment AB

    • b: Point

      The second endpoint of segment AB

    • c: Point

      The first endpoint of segment CD

    • d: Point

      The second endpoint of segment CD

    • [options]: { t1: boolean } = {}

      Options which affect the intersection test

      • t1: boolean

    Returns LineIntersection

    An intersection point, or null if no intersection occurred

  • lineSegmentIntersection(a: Point, b: Point, c: Point, d: Point, epsilon?: number): LineIntersection
  • An internal helper method for computing the intersection between two finite line segments. Adapted from http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/




    • a: Point

      The first endpoint of segment AB

    • b: Point

      The second endpoint of segment AB

    • c: Point

      The first endpoint of segment CD

    • d: Point

      The second endpoint of segment CD

    • epsilon: number = 1e-8

    Returns LineIntersection

    An intersection point, or null if no intersection occurred

  • lineCircleIntersection(a: Point, b: Point, center: Point, radius: number, epsilon?: number): LineCircleIntersection
  • Determine the intersection between a candidate wall and the circular radius of the polygon.




    • a: Point

      The initial vertex of the candidate edge

    • b: Point

      The second vertex of the candidate edge

    • center: Point

      The center of the bounding circle

    • radius: number

      The radius of the bounding circle

    • epsilon: number = 1e-8

      A small tolerance for floating point precision

    Returns LineCircleIntersection

    The intersection of the segment AB with the circle

  • closestPointToSegment(c: Point, a: Point, b: Point): Point
  • Identify the point closest to C on segment AB




    • c: Point

      The reference point C

    • a: Point

      Point A on segment AB

    • b: Point

      Point B on segment AB

    Returns Point

    The closest point to C on segment AB

  • quadraticIntersection(p0: Point, p1: Point, center: Point, radius: number, epsilon?: number): { x: any; y: any }[]
  • Determine the points of intersection between a line segment (p0,p1) and a circle. There will be zero, one, or two intersections See https://math.stackexchange.com/a/311956




    • p0: Point

      The initial point of the line segment

    • p1: Point

      The terminal point of the line segment

    • center: Point

      The center of the circle

    • radius: number

      The radius of the circle

    • epsilon: number = 0

    Returns { x: any; y: any }[]

  • benchmark(func: Function, iterations: number, ...args: any[]): Promise<void>
  • Benchmark the performance of a function, calling it a requested number of iterations.


    • func: Function

      The function to benchmark

    • iterations: number

      The number of iterations to test

    • Rest ...args: any[]

      Additional arguments passed to the benchmarked function

    Returns Promise<void>

  • threadLock(ms: number, debug?: boolean): Promise<void>
  • A debugging function to test latency or timeouts by forcibly locking the thread for an amount of time.


    • ms: number

      A number of milliseconds to lock

    • debug: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<void>

  • debounce(callback: Function, delay: number): Function
  • Wrap a callback in a debounced timeout. Delay execution of the callback function until the function has not been called for delay milliseconds


    • callback: Function

      A function to execute once the debounced threshold has been passed

    • delay: number

      An amount of time in milliseconds to delay

    Returns Function

    A wrapped function which can be called to debounce execution

  • deepClone(original: any, [options]?: { strict: boolean }): any
  • Quickly clone a simple piece of data, returning a copy which can be mutated safely. This method DOES support recursive data structures containing inner objects or arrays. This method DOES NOT support advanced object types like Set, Map, or other specialized classes.


    • original: any

      Some sort of data

    • [options]: { strict: boolean } = {}

      Options to configure the behaviour of deepClone

      • strict: boolean

    Returns any

    The clone of that data

  • diffObject(original: any, other: any, [options={}]?: { inner: boolean; deletionKeys: boolean }): any
  • Deeply difference an object against some other, returning the update keys and values.


    • original: any

      An object comparing data against which to compare

    • other: any

      An object containing potentially different data

    • [options={}]: { inner: boolean; deletionKeys: boolean } = {}

      Additional options which configure the diff operation

      • inner: boolean
      • deletionKeys: boolean

    Returns any

    An object of the data in other which differs from that in original

  • objectsEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean
  • Test if two objects contain the same enumerable keys and values.


    • a: any

      The first object.

    • b: any

      The second object.

    Returns boolean

  • duplicate(original: any): any
  • A cheap data duplication trick which is relatively robust. For a subset of cases the deepClone function will offer better performance.


    • original: any

      Some sort of data

    Returns any

  • isSubclass(cls: Function, parent: Function): boolean
  • Test whether some class is a subclass of a parent. Returns true if the classes are identical.


    • cls: Function

      The class to test

    • parent: Function

      Some other class which may be a parent

    Returns boolean

    Is the class a subclass of the parent?

  • encodeURL(path: string): string
  • Encode a url-like string by replacing any characters which need encoding To reverse this encoding, the native decodeURIComponent can be used on the whole encoded string, without adjustment.


    • path: string

      A fully-qualified URL or url component (like a relative path)

    Returns string

    An encoded URL string

  • expandObject(obj: any, _d?: number): any
  • Expand a flattened object to be a standard nested Object by converting all dot-notation keys to inner objects.


    • obj: any

      The object to expand

    • _d: number = 0

    Returns any

    An expanded object

  • filterObject(source: any, template: any, [options={}]?: { deletionKeys: boolean; templateValues: boolean }): any
  • Filter the contents of some source object using the structure of a template object. Only keys which exist in the template are preserved in the source object.


    Filter an object

    const source = {foo: {number: 1, name: "Tim", topping: "olives"}, bar: "baz"};
    const template = {foo: {number: 0, name: "Mit", style: "bold"}, other: 72};
    filterObject(source, template); // {foo: {number: 1, name: "Tim"}};
    filterObject(source, template, {templateValues: true}); // {foo: {number: 0, name: "Mit"}};


    • source: any

      An object which contains the data you wish to filter

    • template: any

      An object which contains the structure you wish to preserve

    • [options={}]: { deletionKeys: boolean; templateValues: boolean } = {}

      Additional options which customize the filtration

      • deletionKeys: boolean
      • templateValues: boolean

    Returns any

  • flattenObject(obj: any, _d?: number): any
  • Flatten a possibly multi-dimensional object to a one-dimensional one by converting all nested keys to dot notation


    • obj: any

      The object to flatten

    • _d: number = 0

    Returns any

    A flattened object

  • getParentClasses(cls: Function): Function[]
  • Obtain references to the parent classes of a certain class.


    • cls: Function

      An ES6 Class definition

    Returns Function[]

    An array of parent Classes which the provided class extends

  • getRoute(path: string, [prefix]?: string): string
  • Get the URL route for a certain path which includes a path prefix, if one is set


    • path: string

      The Foundry URL path

    • [prefix]: string = {}

      A path prefix to apply

    Returns string

    The absolute URL path

  • getType(variable: any): string
  • Learn the underlying data type of some variable. Supported identifiable types include: undefined, null, number, string, boolean, function, Array, Set, Map, Promise, Error, HTMLElement (client side only), Object (catchall for other object types)


    • variable: any

      A provided variable

    Returns string

    The named type of the token

  • hasProperty(object: any, key: string): boolean
  • A helper function which tests whether an object has a property or nested property given a string key. The method also supports arrays if the provided key is an integer index of the array. The string key supports the notation a.b.c which would return true if object[a][b][c] exists


    • object: any

      The object to traverse

    • key: string

      An object property with notation a.b.c

    Returns boolean

    An indicator for whether the property exists

  • getProperty(object: any, key: string): any
  • A helper function which searches through an object to retrieve a value by a string key. The method also supports arrays if the provided key is an integer index of the array. The string key supports the notation a.b.c which would return object[a][b][c]


    • object: any

      The object to traverse

    • key: string

      An object property with notation a.b.c

    Returns any

    The value of the found property

  • setProperty(object: any, key: string, value: any): boolean
  • A helper function which searches through an object to assign a value using a string key This string key supports the notation a.b.c which would target object[a][b][c]


    • object: any

      The object to update

    • key: string

      The string key

    • value: any

      The value to be assigned

    Returns boolean

    Whether the value was changed from its previous value

  • invertObject(obj: any): any
  • Invert an object by assigning its values as keys and its keys as values.


    • obj: any

      The original object to invert

    Returns any

    The inverted object with keys and values swapped

  • isNewerVersion(v1: string | number, v0: string | number): boolean
  • Return whether a target version (v1) is more advanced than some other reference version (v0). Supports either numeric or string version comparison with version parts separated by periods.


    • v1: string | number

      The target version

    • v0: string | number

      The reference version

    Returns boolean

    Is v1 a more advanced version than v0?

  • isObjectEmpty(obj: any): boolean
  • A simple function to test whether an Object is empty


    since v10, will be removed in v11 - Use isEmpty instead.


    • obj: any

      The object to test

    Returns boolean

    Is the object empty?

  • isEmpty(value: any): boolean
  • Test whether a value is empty-like; either undefined or a content-less object.


    • value: any

      The value to test

    Returns boolean

    Is the value empty-like?

  • mergeObject(original: any, other?: any, [options={}]?: { insertKeys: boolean; insertValues: boolean; overwrite: boolean; recursive: boolean; inplace: boolean; enforceTypes: boolean; performDeletions: boolean }, _d?: number): any
  • Update a source object by replacing its keys and values with those from a target object.


    Control how new keys and values are added

    mergeObject({k1: "v1"}, {k2: "v2"}, {insertKeys: false}); // {k1: "v1"}
    mergeObject({k1: "v1"}, {k2: "v2"}, {insertKeys: true}); // {k1: "v1", k2: "v2"}
    mergeObject({k1: {i1: "v1"}}, {k1: {i2: "v2"}}, {insertValues: false}); // {k1: {i1: "v1"}}
    mergeObject({k1: {i1: "v1"}}, {k1: {i2: "v2"}}, {insertValues: true}); // {k1: {i1: "v1", i2: "v2"}}

    Control how existing data is overwritten

    mergeObject({k1: "v1"}, {k1: "v2"}, {overwrite: true}); // {k1: "v2"}
    mergeObject({k1: "v1"}, {k1: "v2"}, {overwrite: false}); // {k1: "v1"}

    Control whether merges are performed recursively

    mergeObject({k1: {i1: "v1"}}, {k1: {i2: "v2"}}, {recursive: false}); // {k1: {i1: "v2"}}
    mergeObject({k1: {i1: "v1"}}, {k1: {i2: "v2"}}, {recursive: true}); // {k1: {i1: "v1", i2: "v2"}}

    Deleting an existing object key

    mergeObject({k1: "v1", k2: "v2"}, {"-=k1": null});   // {k2: "v2"}


    • original: any

      The initial object which should be updated with values from the target

    • other: any = {}
    • [options={}]: { insertKeys: boolean; insertValues: boolean; overwrite: boolean; recursive: boolean; inplace: boolean; enforceTypes: boolean; performDeletions: boolean } = {}

      Additional options which configure the merge

      • insertKeys: boolean
      • insertValues: boolean
      • overwrite: boolean
      • recursive: boolean
      • inplace: boolean
      • enforceTypes: boolean
      • performDeletions: boolean
    • _d: number = 0

    Returns any

    The original source object including updated, inserted, or overwritten records.

  • parseS3URL(key: string): { bucket: string; keyPrefix: string }
  • Parse an S3 key to learn the bucket and the key prefix used for the request.


    • key: string

      A fully qualified key name or prefix path.

    Returns { bucket: string; keyPrefix: string }

    • bucket: string
    • keyPrefix: string
  • randomID(length?: number): string
  • Generate a random string ID of a given requested length.


    • length: number = 16

      The length of the random ID to generate

    Returns string

    Return a string containing random letters and numbers

  • timeSince(timeStamp: string | Date): string
  • Express a timestamp as a relative string


    • timeStamp: string | Date

      A timestamp string or Date object to be formatted as a relative time

    Returns string

    A string expression for the relative time

  • fetchWithTimeout(url: string, data?: any, __namedParameters?: number): Promise<Response>
  • fetchJsonWithTimeout(url: string, data?: any, __namedParameters?: int): Promise<any>
  • A small wrapper that automatically asks for JSON with a Timeout


    • url: string

      The URL to make the Request to

    • data: any = {}

      The data of the Request

    • __namedParameters: int = {}

    Returns Promise<any>

  • logCompatibilityWarning(message: string, [options={}]?: { mode: number; since: string | number; until: string | number; details: string; stack: boolean }): void
  • Log a compatibility warning which is filtered based on the client's defined compatibility settings.


    An Error if the mode is ERROR


    • message: string

      The original warning or error message

    • [options={}]: { mode: number; since: string | number; until: string | number; details: string; stack: boolean } = {}

      Additional options which customize logging

      • mode: number
      • since: string | number
      • until: string | number
      • details: string
      • stack: boolean

    Returns void


debouncedReload: Function = ...

A utility function to reload the page with a debounce.

Type Aliases

debouncedReload: (() => any)

Type Parameters

    Type declaration

      • (): any
      • Type Parameters

          Returns any