Some other number
Some permitted epsilon, by default 1e-8
Are the numbers almost equal?
Transform a number to an ordinal string representation. i.e. 1 => 1st 2 => 2nd 3 => 3rd
Return a string front-padded by zeroes to reach a certain number of numeral characters
The number of characters desired
The zero-padded number
Return a string prefaced by the sign of the number (+) or (-)
The signed number as a string
Round a number to the nearest number which is a multiple of a given interval
The interval to round the number to the nearest multiple of
The rounded number
A faster numeric between check which avoids type coercion to the Number object. Since this avoids coercion, if non-numbers are passed in unpredictable results will occur. Use with caution.
The lower-bound
The upper-bound
Include the bounding values as a true result?
Is the number between the two bounds?
Test whether a value is numeric. This is the highest performing algorithm currently available, per
A value to test
Is it a number?
Attempt to create a number from a user-provided string.
The value to convert; typically a string, but may already be a number.
The number that the string represents, or NaN if no number could be determined.
Test for near-equivalence of two numbers within some permitted epsilon