Provide a thumbnail image path used to represent this document.
Display a result drawn from a RollTable in the Chat Log along. Optionally also display the Roll which produced the result and configure aspects of the displayed messages.
An Array of one or more TableResult Documents which were drawn and should be displayed.
Additional options which modify message creation
Draw a result from the RollTable based on the table formula or a provided Roll instance
Optional arguments which customize the draw behavior
} A Promise which resolves to an object containing the executed roll and the produced results.
Draw multiple results from a RollTable, constructing a final synthetic Roll as a dice pool of inner rolls.
The number of results to draw
Optional arguments which customize the draw
} The drawn results
Normalize the probabilities of rolling each item in the RollTable based on their assigned weights
Reset the state of the RollTable to return any drawn items to the table
Evaluate a RollTable by rolling its formula and retrieving a drawn result.
Note that this function only performs the roll and identifies the result, the RollTable#draw function should be called to formalize the draw from the table.
Options which modify rolling behavior
The Roll and results drawn by that Roll
Get an Array of valid results for a given rolled total
The rolled value
An Array of results
The client-side RollTable document which extends the common BaseRollTable model.
RollTables The world-level collection of RollTable documents
TableResult The embedded TableResult document
RollTableConfig The RollTable configuration application