The Sound which manages playback for this playlist sound
A debounced function, accepting a single volume parameter to adjust the volume of this sound
The debounce tolerance for processing rapid volume changes into database updates in milliseconds
The effective volume at which this playlist sound is played, incorporating the global playlist volume setting.
Determine the fade duration for this PlaylistSound based on its own configuration and that of its parent.
Synchronize playback for this particular PlaylistSound instance
Create a Sound used to play this PlaylistSound document
Special handling that occurs when a PlaylistSound reaches the natural conclusion of its playback.
Special handling that occurs when playback of a PlaylistSound is started.
Special handling that occurs when a PlaylistSound is manually stopped before its natural conclusion.
Handle fading in the volume for this sound when it begins to play (or loop)
The sound fading-in
Handle fading out the volume for this sound when it begins to play (or loop)
The sound fading-out
The client-side PlaylistSound document which extends the common BasePlaylistSound model. Each PlaylistSound belongs to the sounds collection of a Playlist document.
Playlist The Playlist document which contains PlaylistSound embedded documents
PlaylistSoundConfig The PlaylistSound configuration application
Sound The Sound API which manages web audio playback