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A class responsible for managing defined game settings or settings menus. Each setting is a string key/value pair belonging to a certain namespace and a certain store scope.

When Foundry Virtual Tabletop is initialized, a singleton instance of this class is constructed within the global Game object as as game.settings.


{@link Game#settings}






  • ClientSettings




settings: Map<string, SettingsConfig>

A object of registered game settings for this scope

menus: Map<any, any>

Registered settings menus which trigger secondary applications

storage: Map<any, any>

The storage interfaces used for persisting settings Each storage interface shares the same API as window.localStorage

PRIMITIVE_TYPES: (SymbolConstructor | StringConstructor | BooleanConstructor | NumberConstructor | ArrayConstructor | BigIntConstructor)[] = ...

The types of settings which should be constructed as a function call rather than as a class constructor.


  • Return a singleton instance of the Game Settings Configuration app

    Returns SettingsConfig


  • register(namespace: string, key: string, data: SettingConfig): void
  • Register a new game setting under this setting scope


    Register a client setting

    game.settings.register("myModule", "myClientSetting", {
    name: "Register a Module Setting with Choices",
    hint: "A description of the registered setting and its behavior.",
    scope: "client", // This specifies a client-stored setting
    config: true, // This specifies that the setting appears in the configuration view
    requiresReload: true // This will prompt the user to reload the application for the setting to take effect.
    type: String,
    choices: { // If choices are defined, the resulting setting will be a select menu
    "a": "Option A",
    "b": "Option B"
    default: "a", // The default value for the setting
    onChange: value => { // A callback function which triggers when the setting is changed

    Register a world setting

    game.settings.register("myModule", "myWorldSetting", {
    name: "Register a Module Setting with a Range slider",
    hint: "A description of the registered setting and its behavior.",
    scope: "world", // This specifies a world-level setting
    config: true, // This specifies that the setting appears in the configuration view
    requiresReload: true // This will prompt the GM to have all clients reload the application for the setting to
    // take effect.
    type: Number,
    range: { // If range is specified, the resulting setting will be a range slider
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    step: 10
    default: 50, // The default value for the setting
    onChange: value => { // A callback function which triggers when the setting is changed


    • namespace: string

      The namespace under which the setting is registered

    • key: string

      The key name for the setting under the namespace

    • data: SettingConfig

      Configuration for setting data

    Returns void

  • registerMenu(namespace: string, key: string, data: SettingSubmenuConfig): void
  • Register a new sub-settings menu


    Define a settings submenu which handles advanced configuration needs

    game.settings.registerMenu("myModule", "mySettingsMenu", {
    name: "My Settings Submenu",
    label: "Settings Menu Label", // The text label used in the button
    hint: "A description of what will occur in the submenu dialog.",
    icon: "fas fa-bars", // A Font Awesome icon used in the submenu button
    type: MySubmenuApplicationClass, // A FormApplication subclass which should be created
    restricted: true // Restrict this submenu to gamemaster only?


    • namespace: string

      The namespace under which the menu is registered

    • key: string

      The key name for the setting under the namespace

    • data: SettingSubmenuConfig

      Configuration for setting data

    Returns void

  • get(namespace: string, key: string): any
  • Get the value of a game setting for a certain namespace and setting key


    Retrieve the current setting value

    game.settings.get("myModule", "myClientSetting");


    • namespace: string

      The namespace under which the setting is registered

    • key: string

      The setting key to retrieve

    Returns any

  • set(namespace: string, key: string, value: any, options?: any): Promise<any>
  • Set the value of a game setting for a certain namespace and setting key


    Update the current value of a setting

    game.settings.set("myModule", "myClientSetting", "b");


    • namespace: string

      The namespace under which the setting is registered

    • key: string

      The setting key to retrieve

    • value: any

      The data to assign to the setting key

    • options: any = {}

    Returns Promise<any>