Provide a thumbnail image path used to represent this document.
The Card documents within this stack which are available to be drawn.
The Card documents which belong to this stack but have already been drawn.
Returns the localized Label for the type of Card Stack this is
Can this Cards document be cloned in a duplicate workflow?
Deal one or more cards from this Cards document to each of a provided array of Cards destinations. Cards are allocated from the top of the deck in cyclical order until the required number of Cards have been dealt.
An array of other Cards documents to which cards are dealt
Options which modify how the deal operation is performed
This Cards document after the deal operation has completed
Pass an array of specific Card documents from this document to some other Cards stack.
Some other Cards document that is the destination for the pass operation
The embedded Card ids which should be passed
Additional options which modify the pass operation
An array of the Card embedded documents created within the destination stack
Draw one or more cards from some other Cards document.
Some other Cards document from which to draw
Options which modify how the draw operation is performed
An array of the Card documents which were drawn
Shuffle this Cards stack, randomizing the sort order of all the cards it contains.
Options which modify how the shuffle operation is performed.
The Cards document after the shuffle operation has completed
Recall the Cards stack, retrieving all original cards from other stacks where they may have been drawn if this is a deck, otherwise returning all the cards in this stack to the decks where they originated.
The Cards document after the recall operation has completed.
Display a dialog which prompts the user to deal cards to some number of hand-type Cards documents.
Display a dialog which prompts the user to draw cards from some other deck-type Cards documents.
Display a dialog which prompts the user to pass cards from this document to some other Cards document.
Display a confirmation dialog for whether or not the user wishes to reset a Cards stack
An internal helper method for drawing a certain number of Card documents from this Cards stack.
The number of cards to draw
A draw mode from CONST.CARD_DRAW_MODES
An array of drawn Card documents
Perform a reset operation for a deck, retrieving all original cards from other stacks where they may have been drawn.
Options which modify the reset operation.
The Cards document after the reset operation has completed.
Return all cards in this stack to their original decks.
Options which modify the return operation.
The Cards document after the return operation has completed.
Create a ChatMessage which provides a notification of the operation which was just performed. Visibility of the resulting message is linked to the default roll mode selected in the chat log dropdown.
The source Cards document from which the action originated
The localization key which formats the chat message notification
Data passed to the Localization#format method for the localization key
A created ChatMessage document
The client-side Cards document which extends the common BaseCards model. Each Cards document contains CardsData which defines its data schema.
CardStacks The world-level collection of Cards documents
CardsConfig The Cards configuration application