Construct a CachedContainer.
The current vision Container.
The BlurFilter which applies to the vision mask texture. This filter applies a NORMAL blend mode to the container.
Should our Container also be displayed on screen, in addition to being drawn to the cached RenderTexture?
Current LOS polygons
Current FOV polygons
A PIXI.Sprite or SpriteMesh which is bound to this CachedContainer. The RenderTexture from this Container is associated with the Sprite which is automatically rendered.
A PIXI.Sprite or SpriteMesh which is bound to this CachedContainer. The RenderTexture from this Container is associated with the Sprite which is automatically rendered.
The primary render texture bound to this cached container.
Set the alpha mode of the cached container render texture.
Initialize the vision mask with the los and the fov graphics objects.
Detach the current vision container and return it
Clear the vision mask
Create a render texture, provide a render method and an optional clear color.
Optional parameters.
A reference to the created render texture.
Remove a previously created render texture.
The render texture to remove.
Custom rendering for secondary render textures
The active canvas renderer.
Bind a render texture to this renderer. Must be called after bindPrimaryBuffer and before bindInitialBuffer.
The active canvas renderer.
The texture to bind.
Create the BlurFilter for the VisionMask container.
Resize a render texture passed as a parameter with the renderer.
The active canvas renderer.
The render texture to resize.
The vision mask which contains the current line-of-sight texture.