Track an object of active animations by name, context, and function This allows a currently playing animation to be referenced and terminated
Apply an animation from the current value of some attribute to a new value Resolve a Promise once the animation has concluded and the attributes have reached their new target
An array of attributes to animate
Additional options which customize the animation
A Promise which resolves to true once the animation has concluded or false if the animation was prematurely terminated
Retrieve an animation currently in progress by its name
The animation name to retrieve
The animation data, or undefined
If an animation using a certain name already exists, terminate it
The animation name to terminate
Cosine based easing with smooth in-out.
The proportional animation timing on [0,1]
The eased animation progress on [0,1]
Shallow ease out.
The proportional animation timing on [0,1]
The eased animation progress on [0,1]
Shallow ease in.
The proportional animation timing on [0,1]
The eased animation progress on [0,1]
Generic ticker function to implement the animation. This animation wrapper executes once per frame for the duration of the animation event. Once the animated attributes have converged to their targets, it resolves the original Promise. The user-provided ontick function runs each frame update to apply additional behaviors.
The incremental time which has elapsed
The animation which is being performed
A helper class providing utility methods for PIXI Canvas animation