
Release 0.1.5

Version 1 Development

February 07, 2019

Alpha 0.1.5 Update Notes

Hey there everybody, I'm excited to share Foundry Virtual Tabletop Alpha version 0.1.5. This release adds two major new features: Measurement Templates and Auto-Updater which are both key improvements that I've been excited to implement. In addition to these two major features there are a large number of smaller enhancements, bug-fixes, and quality-of-life improvements.

The next release version will focus heavily on the new player experience, interface, and documentation in anticipation of the upcoming Beta 0.2.0 release. For more details on the beta testing process please read

Thank you all for your continued help, enthusiasm, feedback, and support. Please keep an eye on the development progress board here for visibility into what features are in progress and coming up next!

Download Instructions

If you are a Patreon supporter at the $10 or greater level, please download the new build here:

New Features

Bug Fixes

Core Software, APIs, and Module Development

D&D5e Game System Improvements