
Release 9.233

Version 9 Testing

December 03, 2021

Foundry Virtual Tabletop - Build 9.233 Patch Notes

Release Notes for Foundry Virtual Tabletop Version 9 Testing 1
Welcome to the Foundry Virtual Tabletop update notes for Version 9 Testing 1.

This update provides an incremental hotfix for our recent Version 9 Testing 1 release.

Bug Fixes

Architecture and Infrastructure

  • Attempting to return to the Setup screen from the World login page if no Administrator Password is set resulted in an error. (6196)

The Game Canvas

  • Selecting Wall objects failed due to changes in our keyboard management infrastructure, this issue has been corrected. (6186)
  • Performing "chaining" workflows, for example when placing walls or adding points to a multi-step ruler movement was not working with our new keyboard changes and has been fixed. (6188)

Known Issues

  • Lights with limited emission angles do not project through single terrain walls properly. (6158)