  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

A special SetField which provides additional validation and initialization behavior specific to compendium packs.





  • _cleanType(value: any, options: any): any
  • initialize(value: any, model: any, options?: {}): Set<any>
  • override


    • value: any
    • model: any
    • options: {} = {}

      Returns Set<any>

    • Validate a single element of the ArrayField.


      • value: any

        The value of the array element

      • __namedParameters: { duplicateNames: any; duplicatePaths: any } = {}

        Validation options

        • duplicateNames: any
        • duplicatePaths: any

      Returns DataModelValidationFailure

      A validation failure if the element failed validation

    • toObject(value: any): any[]
    • _validateModel(changes: any, options: any): void
    • _cast(value: any): any[]
    • override


      • value: any

      Returns any[]

    • apply(fn: any, value?: any[], options?: {}): any[]
    • override


      • fn: any
      • value: any[] = []
      • options: {} = {}

        Returns any[]

      • migrateSource(sourceData: any, fieldData: any): void
      • Migrate this field's candidate source data.


        • sourceData: any

          Candidate source data of the root model

        • fieldData: any

          The value of this field within the source data

        Returns void

      • clean(value: any, options: { partial: boolean; source: any }): any
      • Coerce source data to ensure that it conforms to the correct data type for the field. Data coercion operations should be simple and synchronous as these are applied whenever a DataModel is constructed. For one-off cleaning of user-provided input the sanitize method should be used.


        • value: any

          The initial value

        • options: { partial: boolean; source: any }
          • partial: boolean
          • source: any

        Returns any

        The cast value

      • getInitialValue(data: any): any
      • Attempt to retrieve a valid initial value for the DataField.


        An error if there is no valid initial value defined


        • data: any

          The source data object for which an initial value is required

        Returns any

        A valid initial value

      • Validate a candidate input for this field, ensuring it meets the field requirements. A validation failure can be provided as a raised Error (with a string message), by returning false, or by returning a DataModelValidationFailure instance. A validator which returns true denotes that the result is certainly valid and further validations are unnecessary.


        Returns DataModelValidationFailure

        Returns a DataModelValidationFailure if a validation failure occurred.

      • _validateSpecial(value: any): boolean | void
      • Special validation rules which supersede regular field validation. This validator screens for certain values which are otherwise incompatible with this field like null or undefined.


        May throw a specific error if the value is not valid


        • value: any

          The candidate value

        Returns boolean | void

        A boolean to indicate with certainty whether the value is valid. Otherwise, return void.

      • _validateElementType(element: any): any
      • Validate the contained element type of the ArrayField


        An error if the element is not a valid type


        • element: any

          The type of Array element

        Returns any

        The validated element type


      element: DataField

      The data type of each element in this array

      The initially provided options which configure the data field

      name: any

      The field name of this DataField instance. This is assigned by SchemaField#initialize.

      parent: any

      A reference to the parent schema to which this DataField belongs. This is assigned by SchemaField#initialize.

      recursive: boolean = true
      hierarchical: boolean = false

      Whether this field defines part of a Document/Embedded Document hierarchy.


      • get fieldPath(): string
      • A dot-separated string representation of the field path within the parent schema.

        Returns string

      • get _defaults(): any
      • inheritdoc

        Returns any